Thursday, June 13, 2024




What Ever Happened to Ol' Whatsizname?

        I would like to be famous among long-ago friends and acquaintances, not necessarily among the faceless masses.  I want the girl that I adored in high school to note that the whole world has discovered me, and to say, “Oh, My God, we grew up together, and look where he is now.”


What if there were no strangers?  What if the world’s population was small enough that everybody knew everybody by name?  How might that impact morality, crime, the arts, sexuality?  Would humanity be allowed more liberty, or would it be more oppressed?

        Assuming that the human species multiplied from a factor of one, then two, and so forth, it is interesting to speculate at what point the number became too big to maintain universal familiarity.


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  Whatsizname What Ever Happened to Ol' Whatsizname?         I would like to be famous among long-ago friends and acquaintances, not nec...